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Parliament to apply stricter norms on dealerships



Recently, the parliament of India spotted some unethical ways in which the dealers misuse their dealerships in order to make more money. They mentioned that the Regional Transport Offices tend to misguide the customers while purchasing a new automobile for which they have requested to go stricter about the matter by making it optional for the dealers to get the automobiles registered in the state.

In a recent talk about the proposal of an amendment to the Motor Vehicles Bill, the Standing Committee on transport in the parliament including 31 members stated that "Strict guidelines may be prescribed for the functioning of the vehicle dealers and registration of vehicle by dealers may be made optional to states depending on the state's specific requirements."

It is noted that many state Govt. are unhappy with the ways in which dealers do not communicate about the schemes and discounts provided by the manufacturers and instead keep charging the manufacturers the amount on the name of the registries of the customers. Recently, a company had provided a cash discount of Rs. 10 thousand if the customer already owns a car of the same company. but the information of the scheme wasn't communicated to the customer and the manufacturers were charged with the application of the false registries of the customers' vehicles. 


They do not provide any transparency on the service charges that they bill falsely and many times they make a false price list and quote higher prices to the customers. They misguide the customers on extra expenses like insurance, the number on the number plate, registries etc. for which the govt. has finally asked to take a firm action and make it non-mandatory get the registration of the vehicle by the state. They asked to work on a solution with which the dealer would not be able to manipulate the buyers and the dealings shall take place in a more transparent and non-corrupt manner.