Mitsubishi To Reform Under, Not Merge With Nissan | Car Dealer Tracker: Car Dealers Review & Rating site | Share your Experiences here

Mitsubishi To Reform Under, Not Merge With Nissan

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Recently, Carlos Ghosn quit the CEO's post of Renault Motorworks and took the Chair of the Nissan Motors and Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. It was expected that the two might amalgamate with each other for an effective working of the Motorworks, which was declined by the Chairman, in lieu of a complete reformation planned for Mitsubishi rather than taking its badge away from ti and merging it with Nissan Motorworks. He made it loud and clear during the inauguration of Jakarta plant of Mitsubishi. 
He also confirmed that the two companies might cross-manufacture in the areas where it is feasible to do so. The company bought the controlling stakes of Mitsubishi @2.3 Bn dollars after the manufacturers admitted their fraudulent encompassing of mileage tests. After the alliance, Mitsubishi's CEO Osamu Masuko feels optimistic growth to take place in Indonesian Auto market, from 6% to 10%, constituting 40% sales increment of MUVs in the country for Mitsubishi alone. It is not to ignore that Indonesia is ahead of Thailand and Southeast Asia when it comes to being the largest car market on the globe, selling nearly 1.1 million vehicles the last year.