Futuristic Concept Cars Part 1 | Car Dealer Tracker: Car Dealers Review & Rating site | Share your Experiences here

Futuristic Concept Cars Part 1

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Everyday science is making advancements in all the realms of earth and beyond. Our millennials in today's time are tech savvy and look for the technologies that make them go bonkers over it's out of the box concept and out of the league design and development. They dislike repetition and are eager for anything new to their tastes and comfort. Keeping this in view, car dealer rater brings to you the article series of FUTURISTIC CAR CONCEPTS that will bring to you all the coolest ideas around the corner and the development of those ideas so far. 
The first in line is the all new concept of tyres introduced by Goodyear Tyre Manufacturers a year ago. 
The vehicles today run on the round tyres that are 2 dimensionally spherical and provide movements in cardinal and subordinate directions only. It becomes so difficult to take sharp turns, especially on the roads with a perpetual inflow of vehicles. It also requires a continuous hold of the steering wheel even for a little change in the direction of the vehicular movement. But what if this 2-D wheel goes 3-D? What if it is just like a light basketball that changes the direction of the vehicle at any angle that we wish, and that too at any instance that we want. 
This is the concept given and developed upon by Goodyear tyre manufacturers since 2016. The tyre type shall be only for fully autonomous vehicles as it wouldn't be controlled by the steering wheel. It shall work just like an airless basketball capable of rolling in any direction, controlled via an inbuilt automatic system that senses the traffic and moves according to the other vehicular and humanly movements on road. The concept is tried and tested on Audi RSQ car at present. The company is still working on the composition of the tyre that would let the movement possible, something like foam.  It might be even less frictional as compared to already existing tyres, thus ruling out the chance of bursting of the tyres abruptly. At the centre is a smaller rigid graphene sphere that has an array of powerful permanent magnets used to levitate the bodywork above the tires. They will be responsible for acceleration, braking, and turning in response to powerful electromagnetic windings in the wheel housings surrounding these spheres of the vehicle. 
The idea shall solve the problem of parking wonderfully, as it would directly shift to the place rather than cutting through it to fill up the space available. Other futuristic benefits the tyres would provide include internal sensing of the tread-wear status and road surface grip levels, ability to communicate this information to the driver and other road users via V2X technology, self-healing 3-D-printed tread compounds that behave like a natural sponge, and a bionic skin made of a super-elastic polymer that can modify its tread pattern to suit driving conditions.
To know more futuristic car concepts revisit our articles section and know the technological magic!