Future Comes Flying To Us With The Flying Cars | Car Dealer Tracker: Car Dealers Review & Rating site | Share your Experiences here

Future Comes Flying To Us With The Flying Cars


We all have heard about the phrase 'time and tide waits for none'. Time is the one that heals our wounds and with time things come to their ultimate dilapidation. Some call it evil and some, their savior. And the most basic resultant of time is 'evolution'. With time evolves new species, new patterns and structures of living and even the new technologies. While former are under the control of nature, the latter is controlled by the human ideas and imagination. 


It all started with the first model of a helicopter presented by Leonardo Da Vinci nearly 400 years before the actual development of the helicopter. He drew the idea of a flying object as a mode of travel for the first time in the 16th century. It was turned into reality with the first airplane by the Wright Brothers that flew in 1903 and then the first helicopter that flew in 1939. The idea is the seed that germinates as a full-fledged reality. And now, this power of idea has been taken further with the first ever model of a flying car that is about to roll in the hands of the masses this year. 


The first ever flying car was based on the restyling of Ford Pinto in the form of a Cessna Flymaker flying object from the back. Henry Smolinski was the inventor who died while testing the prototype of the car he invented. It was in 1971 that he created this car


Last year, the Slovakian company Aeromobil and American company Terrafugia have been aggressively working on the concept of flying car commercially to the markets. The first ever flying car scheduled to be launched this year is named as Terrafugia Tf-X which means 'Éscape From Earth' in latin and will be completely electricity based vehicle capable of both on road and air transmission. It will have a pricing of the small planes by tesla motors of about a couple of hundred thousand dollars. It shall run on roads like usual cars and have inbuilt convertibility option from the airports with the unfolding of the wings to support the flight. Also, the compilation of an aeroplane and an automobile, ie, aeromobil 3.0 is capable of real door-to-door travel, fit into any standard parking space, use regular gasoline, and follow road traffic and its rules just like a usual car. As a plane, it can use any airport in the world and take off and land using any grass strip or paved surface just a few hundred meters long.


It will be interesting to witness this revolutionary change in the facade of traversing. We will belong to the lucky generation who will experience the technological advancement of flying cars. Isn't it fascinating and exciting!?