Cars For Physically Handicap To Go Cheaper | Car Dealer Tracker: Car Dealers Review & Rating site | Share your Experiences here

Cars For Physically Handicap To Go Cheaper

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Recently, a notification has been updated by the Union Finance Ministry which has lowered the excise duty charged on the purchased vehicles from 16 to 24% to mere 8 % especially for the physically handicap people. All the cars, be it the ones constructed for the use of handicapped only or the others that the handicapped drive will be eligible for the concession.

The procedure to apply for the benefit is also simple. The person just has to get his medical certificate from the medical officer of any government hospital. Also, they are supposed to procure a certificate from the manufacturer that the car is designed and developed for the use of a physically handicapped only or the he recognises that the booking of the car is for a handicap person itself. If the car incorporates suitable gadgets and technology to all the handicapped people to drive the car, they may avail the benefit. It includes hand control, accelerator pedal or automatic transmission. The person can also avail for this discount only once in 5 years and has to submit an affidavit claiming the same. He will also have to keep the car for next for next 5 years so as to distribute the discount evenly and rule out any misuse of the benefit.