Be More Expressive While Driving, An Emoji For Your Windscreen Soon | Car Dealer Tracker: Car Dealers Review & Rating site | Share your Experiences here

Be More Expressive While Driving, An Emoji For Your Windscreen Soon

Image result for emoji MG on car windscreen

It is so irritating when the person driving right in front of you stops at the grren signal or refuses to listen to your continuous honk. And that long drive on the highway! Doesn't it bring a huge smile on your face? And that person who applies brakes out of nowhere, it angers you to the core. Isn't it? Well, the time is not far when you shall be able to communicate all your emotions while driving to the others on road. A very popular British brand MG has developed over a simple yet catchy technology that will display around 150 expression emojis on your car's windscreen. 

Now you can emote your feelings to everyone around. You can apologise for putting the wrong gear, or bumping into a two wheeler, or being thankful to that rose seller on the street. As it is indicated, the choice of the emojis shall be available right on the steering wheel which might be voice controlled. Engineers at MG have infused LED technology onto both the front and rear windscreens to make them display the suitable emoji according to the driver. So if the driver is driving high on emotions, let the world know! 

Professor Hans Frei, Director, MICE, MG laboratory says “Developing the technology was relatively simple, as we found a handy step-by-step video on YouTube. Unfortunately, we did waste time looking at hilarious cat pictures as well, which significantly hampered development. MICE will be a real game changer in the marketplace, delivering easy and visual inter-car communication for all MG customers.”